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時尚英文專欄(四): Kate moss’s wedding

What make Cinderella’s Dream   become True? Is a SHOES !!
Kate Moss has always seemed like a laid-back (1), bohemian (2)  type, but she turned into a bridezilla for her wedding.And now, musings from Manolo Blahnik hint at just what a perfectionist the supermodel became before her nuptials (3).
(1) Laid –back :  悠閒的; 懶散的
(2) Bohemian : 放蕩不羈(的文化人)的, 不受世俗陳規束縛的
(3) Nuptial : 婚禮
According to women’s wear Daily, Manolo Blahnik customized a pair of  his Godichefac sandals with crystals(4) and blue insoles(5) for Kate to wear with her John Galliano wedding gown. He and his staff  worked through the night to get them just right.
'We did them five times to get them the way she wanted,' he said in the interview with WWD.
(4) Crystal: 水晶
(5) Insole : 鞋內底; 軟墊
Designer Manolo Blahnik 
The designer attended the wedding, which he said was 'divine' (6).
'I’ve known Kate since she was a little girl,' he said. The wedding was divine. Kate has such a presence(7). You just have to feel it.'
Mr Blahnik had plenty to say about another of the nation's favourite Kates too, as he reflected(8) on Kate Middleton's wedding to Prince William.

(6) Divine : 神授的, 天賜的 ,【口】極好的
(7) Presence : 風采; 風度
(8) Relfected : 帶給, 招致[(+on/upon)] ;  反映, 表現[W][+wh-]
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